Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Born Free Moment

This coming weekend, our smallgroup at church joining with a few other small groups and an organization called Boots on the Ground. We are throwing babyshowers for 12 women that lost everything in the April 27 tornadoes. The girls in our group are donating money and we busy buying items on craigslist, using coupons at baby supply stores, and repainting furniture with nicks n scrapes to make beautiful nursery setups. It's wonderful to be around women who truly have a heart to help others in desperate need. And when you tell people on craigslist what you are up to they are generally quick to cut their price in half or more! Heart-warming. Nothing shows the love of Christ like loving your neighbor(or a stranger) as yourself.

So yesterday, Ava and I ran into Buy Buy Baby to get some shower gifts for the ladies. There are a zillion new inventions since 4yrs ago when I was shopping for Ava.

Since Baby Wagar could be happening anyday now, I thought, hmm.....we don't have anything for our baby. No bottles, NO outfits, No swing, etc and I started getting a fuzz overwhelmed. So I decided I would start a registry and begin buying things one at a time over a while and maybe by the time we get a baby, we'll actually be ready.

I started down the pacifier aisle to see what's new with pacifier technology. I knew this would be a little emotional since there is still a little hint of hurt and longing now that we are "waiting" again. It was great to have a reason not to have a child yet when we hadn't complete the home study, now it's like.........bring it on, let's go. :-) So looking at passy's I began to miss seeing Ava's sweet "passy face" and thus her baby stage. Emotions were going a bit and then I saw it. The BORN FREE passy. Born Free is a company that produces baby products that do not have the harmful chemical BPA in them. But for me, seeing the words Born Free didn't mean "lacking harmful chemicals". It spoke directly to me spiritually. I could feel the hurt of not having another child rising up. Eyes began to water and then when I read the words "Born Free", it was a sweet reminder from my Father.
I have now been Born Free. Free from the bondages that the enemy of this world tries to stick us with. In 2002 when I accepted Christ into my life and everything changed for me, I was born again. It was like a sweet reminder from Abba, "C'mon, don't get down. Stay up beat. It's ok to miss your unborn child but keep Kingdom focused. Redirect your focus onto Me and helping others know My love. My promises are true. You can trust Me. I love you and have your child planned for you. But for now, redirect your focus. I love you so much. I have completely redone you. You are born again and born free, in My Son Jesus' name!"

Well....I'll take that! I decided that even though there may be more "messages" in the store, it was time to leave. That was all the walk down "i want a baby lane" that I needed. And was a great reminder from my sweet Abba that I needed.

Right now all I know to be true, is that He's faithful. He's steady. He's ever-present. He's got plans and I'm grateful He's cares enough to include me in them. And I'm grateful for my wonderful hubs and little girl.


  1. Hugs, sweet friend. There's beauty in the waiting... but it's hard to see when you're in it.

  2. Amy, you have such a way with your words! What wonderful things you are doing for those Mommies effected by the tornados. God is speaking directly thru you! I am so moved. We are very happy for you and your journey! Thank you for sharing this experience with the world. Often times we search for God in big BOOMS, but truly most of the times he is subtle in his presence. Your awareness of him is inspiring! Your faith is amazing and very refreshing! -Elizabeth Dunn
