Sunday, December 11, 2011

The End is Nigh....

We are still scheduled to go to court on Monday, December 19th to finalize our adoption!!! Yay! In a week she'll legally be ours. It's hard to believe. We are still pinching ourselves.
The whole process to get her in our arms took 9 months and a few days. That is quick in adoption world. And we are uber thankful.
The finances God provided. Still just taken back at His provision and faithfulness.
And now, we are a week walking towards the finalization. Unbelievable!

If all holds up and we finalize on Dec 19th, I plan on buying one of those "daddy's little tax deduction" onesies. Ha!

We have only heard from birthmom once (this last week) via the agency, that she wants pictures of Mya. It makes us glad that she wants to see her. And we are more than proud to show her off to her bmom! We printed up a bunch of cute pics that will surely warm their hearts and know they made a great decision choosing us.

Mya is doing great! She began sleeping through the night with out waking up at 8wks! Ava didn't sleep through the night until she was 18 months!!! So we are in heaven! Mya will be 10 weeks old tomorrow!!! 11 weeks at her finalization! Ah, it's been so great. We are so blessed.

So at what point do we stop referring to her age in weeks and begin giving months? Anyone know?

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to her the finalization is so close. What awesome news! As far as weeks versu months I think around 4 or 5 months is when I did it for Camille. Whenever you have to start doing simple math in your head to figure out your child's age :)
