Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The piece that He saved

After Monday's breakdown:

My social worker called me to further discuss my decision to only send potential birthmom profiles to Paul- my "hands off" approach to adopting in order to save my sanity and what's left of my heart. :-/

My SW talked to me to make sure I was ok and sane. ;-) She said it was very normal to go in and out of wanting to know information. However, she did tell me a little tidbit to encourage me.

When we first began having our profile viewed a birthmom narrowed her choices down between us and another couple. We were nervous and excited. Then she decided to go with the other couple because they were already parenting transracially. Well apparently, after giving birth she decided to parent rather than place the child for adoption. The adoptive parents were devastated. Understandably.
I felt so sorry for those adoptive parents. Good for the birthmom, I certainly hope she does well and it's a good situation and all goes well. But wow, those poor adoptive parents. Ouch.

But no doubt my SW told me that little snipit to help me feel that God was possibly protecting us from losing even more pieces of our hearts. Because with every situation we hear and lose, a piece of my heart goes out and doesn't come back.

I assume God spared us from that situation to spare an extra piece of our hearts because we'll need it on this journey.

Thankful for unanswered prayer requests tonight.

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